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Interhouse Art Competition

“Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.” – Edgar Degas Inter- House Art Competition was organised for classes 1 to 11 at STEM World School on July 27, 2023. The competition had various themes, such as-for classes 1 and 2 the theme was My Country, for classes 3 and 4 the theme was Culture and Heritage of India, for classes 5 to 8 the theme was Geometrical Art and for classes 9 to 11 the theme was Industry, Invention and Progress. All the students participated in the competition wholeheartedly and they truly enjoyed it. Art is a great way of discovering one’s passion and it also gives us opportunity to find a new way to love ourselves. STEM World School is proud of its young artists and we were extremely impressed by the quality of their art work.
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